Breast Cancer: Early Detection

“Promote self-exploration and channel more than 900 women to receive their treatment”

The object of this program is to achieve the early detection of breast cancer among low income women with no social security in different mexican municipalities.

“Sólo por Ayudar” and some other institutions in prevention and detection of breast cancer have an alliance in order to work as a whole to achieve this goal.

“More than 9500,women treated”

We have a toll free 01 800 400 14 14 which provides guidance and referral to all those who have any questions about Breast Cancer or women that suffer from this disease.

Do you know how to self-explore?
Contact us:
01 800 400 14 14
55 5202 1051 y 55 5202 1054
Download this document with detailed information to perform the self-examination:

Video Auto-exploración

Check out this video with information about breast cancer and how you can perform self-examination for early detection.
Touch yourself so that it does not touch you.

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