
What you mean to altruism?
It is an action for damages because anything that affects others must resultarnos outside, seek the common good is a way to guarantee the advancement of society as a whole.
How did the idea to create the foundation “Solo por ayudar” was born?
As a child I was influenced by my parents to offer a little of what life had given to those who have less … since then, the welfare work became a daily occurrence in the company of friends and family were attending to nursing homes, hospitals altruistic and charitable institutions. With the 1985 earthquakes that devastated much of the city of Mexico, this work was institutionalized. A group of women and men of great heart, touched by tragedy and with the idea of building homes for families who had lost everything, the foundation launched “Solo por ayudar … that was the trigger.
What institutions support the foundation?
In these 25 years we have created a network of strategic alliances and a string of benefactors ranging from international companies with social responsibility and national companies and other foundations. Likewise I have received substantial support from my company, Televisa, which allows me to promote actions altruistasde the foundation. I have a major foundation support from Televisa and its various programs.
What experiences in the foundation which is the one you moved?
The pain and the need of others are always poignant, heartbreaking daily attend cases in which it amazes responsiveness of the human heart, when you find a hand that tends solidarity, a shoulder to lean on when it is most needed … no there is a special case, and all are poignant life lesson.
How life affects Lolita Ayala daily contact with social injustice?
One can not remain indifferent to the pain of others, is very difficult to be aware every day of the great needs of the poor population. Certainly unworthy injustice, but that indignation must translate into action on proposals. Obviously we can all put a part, however small, to change the lives of those who suffer, to open up new opportunities, since this is not unique attribution of authorities; all travel in the same boat and we owe a terrible loyalty, that is what we must never forget.

Georgina Gomez, who was a victim of breast cancer and received help from “Solo por ayudar” hosted a breakfast at the Camino Real de La Vista, in order to start a group of volunteers in this city to support the foundation ; include the cost of the ticket was to their benefit.